Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bioware is Indoctrinated

Disclaimer:  This is not indoctrination theory.  This is about Bioware being indoctrinated.

Let’s get to what matters.  Mass Effect 3’s ending was atrocious.  Many competent fans have already eloquently explained why, so I will not rehash their brilliance here.  What you need to understand is why the ending was written so poorly. 

If the title of this article didn’t give it away, the answer is: Bioware is indoctrinated.  The staff actually became indoctrinated while writing the story.  As the writers delved deeper into reaper lore, they fell victim to the pernicious effects of reaper exposure, and it is due to this exposure and subsequent indoctrination that the ending sucked harder than any of Liara’s singularities.

“This really sucks!”

The Proof:

The evidence of indoctrination is seen in the three “choices” (I use the term loosely) presented to you at the end. 

Option 1) Destroying the reapers.  You’ll notice that killing the reapers is shown in red like it’s a renegade choice.  It’s also strategically discussed first so you’ll forget about it by the time you hear the other options.  In their now indoctrinated minds, Bioware truly believed that the destruction of the reapers was morally questionable because it meant genocide.  Wiping out an entire species is evil, right?  Well, that’s just what the reapers want you to believe.  “Hey, don’t kill us all!” they scream.  “That’s really mean!  Besides, we’re too busy trying to kill all of you.”  Bioware listened to the reaper cries and presented the solution as rebellious instead of awesome.

Option 2) Controlling the reapers. Remember how revolting it was to you to find out the reapers could indoctrinate organics?  Forcefully imposing your will on someone is disgusting and morally appalling, right?  Well, except when it comes to controlling the reapers, of course.  I mean, it’s okay to enslave their A.I. minds to your will, but definitely not the other way around.  So, paragon it up with this blue choice since it’s far kinder to enslave a sentient race than destroy them.  *end sarcasm*  Bioware obviously couldn’t see the blatant hypocrisy in this option, clearly demonstrating the effects of their indoctrination.  As for my Shepard, I vividly remember telling Saren I’d rather die than become a slave.  But now I’m cool with becoming the slave master?  I don’t think so.

Option 3) Synthesis. The Star Child, or better-named Idiot Child, explains that synthesis is the “pinnacle” of evolution.  In case you forgot, synthesis is the combining of technology and organic matter to create new life.  This sounds wonderful, right?  After all, doesn’t it seem like such a beautiful way for everyone to come together?  Oh wait, instead of coming together figuratively, you’re coming together literally.  Let’s talk about that…
Synthesis at its finest.

News Flash, Walter Kronkite, synthesis is what the reapers are busily engaged in.  You know that horrible way reapers harvest organic life and change it all into a bio-sludge so they can create a hybrid of organic material and fancy tech to form a monstrous being called a reaper?  Yes, that was the very thing Shepard, and you, were fighting against from the beginning.  According to reapers, synthesis is the pinnacle of evolution.  Their entire objective was to combine organic tissue with their technology to create the ultimate reaper life form.  So, is it any wonder that the boys and girls at Bioware presented synthesis as if it were the superior choice to make?  We all know the benefits of “going green!”  Unfortunately, the reapers want you to combine your organic DNA with their technology; synthesis is reaper paradise!  By accepting the idea of synthesis, you become an advocate for reaper philosophy. 

The endings are the machinations of indoctrination.  Not one of them contains the indomitable spirit of human ingenuity and imagination, just barren reaper mentality.

Now, all that remains is to see if the taint of indoctrination is upon you.

If you felt emotionally fulfilled by any of the endings—congratulations, you’re indoctrinated.  Were you the real Shepard, you would have failed in your task to save the galaxy. 

If you believe controlling the reapers is a satisfying option, you’re obviously a fan of mind control, aka indoctrination.  You’re now officially as disgusting as the reapers.  But if synthesis is more to your liking, then you can see that the reapers had it right from the beginning.  You should’ve allowed the Collectors to harvest the colonists on Horizon and complete the human reaper, thereby fulfilling joyous synthesis.  Hell, you should’ve just joined Saren at the beginning and sped along the entire process for all species everywhere.

Lesson you’re supposed to learn from Idiot Child: Cyborgs are the pinnacle of evolution.

Lastly, if you ruthlessly destroyed the reapers, you might have succeeded in resisting indoctrination.  I say might because if you enjoyed the ending Bioware provided after that point, I’m afraid that in death you succumbed to indoctrination.  A regular mind can see without difficulty that the ending made no sense, leaving the untainted brain unconvinced and unfulfilled.

“I’m commander Shepard and I approve of this genocide.”

But, if you realized the ending still sucked after annihilating the reapers, congratulations, you passed the final test.  You can now take that sharp breath inward and rise up from Earth’s rubble.  You are Commander Shepard, and you will be the key to saving the gaming galaxy from Indoctrinated Ending Stupidity.

Please, let the folks at Bioware know (constructively) how dreadful their ending was.  Point out the error of their indoctrination and help free their minds and the minds of others.  Bioware is listening, and desperately attempting to put out PR fires, but whether they do anything about our complaints will depend entirely upon the un-indoctrinated fans who continue to hold the line.  The real Commander Shepard never quieted his voice, even when the rest of the galaxy doubted his heedings.  Instead of sitting idly by, he scoured the galaxy and formed an unstoppable team—one that could even survive an against-all-odds suicide mission. 

We bring that hopeless mission to Bioware.

Rally your friends and associates to the fight.  Have each bring his/her unique weapons and powers to battle Bioware’s horrific indoctrination.  If we stand together, and fight for the fallen, we could very well bring about DLC that will end the indoctrination threat.

And we'll succeed if we, like Commander Shepard, refuse to be quieted.


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